How can we help your HEALTHCARE
business with our products and services?
We work with specialists in dental, orthodontics, vision care, veterinary medicine, emergency medicine,
pathology, radiology, obstetrics, and cardiology, as well as general practitioners. We’re well-versed in
what it’s like to run a practice, enabling us to anticipate your special needs. TransGlobal Health Services
offers customized online and point-of-sale payment processing solutions. The benefits include increased
collections and cash flow, reduced receivables, improved office efficiency and functionality, reduced loss
due to risk or charge backs, less paperwork and improved customer service. Our technology is HIPPA compliant
How can we help your RETAIL
business with our products and services?
We work with specialists in dental, orthodontics, vision care, veterinary medicine, emergency medicine, pathology, radiology, obstetrics, and cardiology, as well as general practitioners. We’re well-versed in what it’s like to run a practice, enabling us to anticipate your special needs. TransGlobal Health Services offers customized online and point-of-sale payment processing solutions. The benefits include increased collections and cash flow, reduced receivables, improved office efficiency and functionality, reduced loss due to risk or charge backs, less paperwork and improved customer service. Our technology is HIPPA compliant
The perfect payment solution.
Learn more about our products through a live software demo